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Friday, March 16, 2012

Plain Cool! - Let's Learn English (4) : Plural

16 Mac 2012 - 8.46 am

Kalau semalam aku dah sentuh tentang singular (seorang/satu/tunggal), hari ni sebelum aku sentuh tentang pronoun yang seterusnya, aku nak sentuh tentang plural pula (banyaknye perkataan 'sentuh'.. Body contact sgt!!)..

Plural bermaksud banyak ataupun lebih daripada satu. Untuk menyusun ayat dengan betul, kita kena kenalpasti sama ada subjek yang kita nak sebut tu singular ataupun plural.. Macam mana nak kenalpasti? Senang je.. Biasanya subjek yang berakhir dengan huruf 'S' adalah plural.. Hahaha!! Tengok contoh di bawah :

Tambahan 's' :

a cup
two cups
a car
three cars
a lamp
many lamps
a month
a couple of months

Tambahan 'es' :

a box
two boxes
a sandwich
three sandwiches
a rose
many roses
a suitcase
a couple of suitcases

Gantikan 'y' selepas huruf konsonan dengan 'ies' :

a city
two cities
a lady
three ladies
a candy
many candies
a puppy
a couple of puppies

Tambah 's' selepas huruf vokal + y :

a boy
two boys
a day
three days
a toy
many toys
a key
a couple of keys

Subjek berakhir dengan 'f' atau 'fe' :

Tambah ‘s’
Gantikan dengan ‘ves’
a roof
two roofs
a thief
two thieves
a cliff
three cliffs
a wife
three wives
a sheriff
many sheriffs
a shelf
many shelves
a puff
a couple of puffs
a scarf
a couple of scarves*
*'scarves' boleh juga jadi 'scarfs'.

Subjek berakhir dengan 'o', tambah 's' atau 'es' :

Tambah ‘s’
Tambah ‘es’
a disco
two discos
a tomato
two tomatoes
a piano
three pianos
a potato
three potatoes
a photo
many photos
a hero
many heroes
*Sesetengah subjek boleh ada dua bentuk plural :
buffalo - buffalos/buffaloes
mosquito - mosquitos/mosquitoes
tornado - tornados/tornadoes

Terdapat juga subjek yang bertukar ejaan apabila ditukar ke bentu plural. Ianya dipanggil Irregular Plural Form :

Irregular Plural Form
a man
two men
a woman
three women
a child
many children
a mouse
a couple of mice
a tooth
two teeth
a goose
three geese
a foot
many feet
an ox
a couple of oxen

Dah nampak? Jom buat latihan!!

Letakkan plural yang betul.

Example: school - ______
Answer: school - schools

1) desk - _____   
2) pencil - _____   
3) bike - _____   
4) cat - _____   
5) invitation - __________   
6) watch - ________   
7) game - ______   
8) cage - ______   
9) cake - ______   
10) box - ______

We'll begin with a box and the plural is _______(11) . But the plural of ______(12) should be oxen, not oxes. The one fowl is a _______(13) but two are called geese, yet the plural of _______(14) should never be meese. You may found a lone mouse or a whole set of _______(15) , yet the plural of _______(16) is houses not hice. If the plural of _______(17) is always called men, Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen? If I speak of a _______(18) and you show me your feet, and I give you a _______(19) , would a pair be called beet? Or two _______(20) should be called reet?

Let's Learn English Collection :
Plain Cool! - English Quiz (1)
Plain Cool! - Let's Learn English (4) : Plural
Plain Cool! - Let's Learn English (3) : Singular
Plain Cool! - Let's Learn English (2) : Pronoun
Plain Cool! - Let's Learn English (1) : Pronoun


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